The Autism Centre of Excellence at Cambridge
NEWS: Open letter on suicide prevention
1st May 2024
Our open letter to the Government highlights the urgent need for more action to prevent suicide in autistic people. It has been created in collaboration with fellow charities and campaigners, researchers, bereaved parents, our ambassadors and our Community Advisory Panel, which includes hundreds of autistic people. Read more
The Autism Centre of Excellence at Cambridge is a science-led campaigning charity working closely with Cambridge University’s Autism Research Centre. Our aim is to improve access to high quality support and remove barriers and stigma for autistic people.
We commission breakthrough science, campaigns and partnerships to scale interventions, tools and adaptations to:
- Improve inclusion, acceptance, respect, and human rights of autistic people.
- Improve support for autistic people in education, employment, health, wellbeing, and criminal justice.
- Reduce avoidable deaths of autistic people caused by suicide, epilepsy and other health conditions.
- Reduce avoidable hardship in life caused by inequality, exclusion, isolation or discrimination of autistic people.
The Autism Centre of Excellence at Cambridge is a science-led campaigning charity working closely with Cambridge University’s Autism Research Centre. Our aim is to improve access to high quality support and remove barriers and stigma for autistic people.
We commission breakthrough science, campaigns and partnerships to scale interventions, tools and adaptations to:
- Improve inclusion, acceptance, respect, and human rights of autistic people.
- Improve support for autistic people in education, employment, health, wellbeing, and criminal justice.
- Reduce avoidable deaths of autistic people caused by suicide, epilepsy and other health conditions.
- Reduce avoidable hardship in life caused by inequality, exclusion, isolation or discrimination of autistic people.
Suicide prevention is our number one priority
Find out more about our vital sucide prevention research.

Join our Autism Employment Network today
The Autism Employment Network is the first step in our mission to help 10,000 autistic people into employment over the next 10 years.

What we stand for
We believe that all people, regardless of autism, intellectual or language ability, have equal value and should have equal human rights.
About Us
The Autism Centre of Excellence at Cambridge (ACE) is a science-led campaigning charity working closely with Cambridge University’s Autism Research Centre. Our aim is to improve access to high quality support and remove barriers and stigma for autistic people.
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ACE is charity registered in England and Wales, Reg. No: 1191599. Read our Privacy Statement.